Steve's girl, mother of his children, tasked with trying to keep him in line, does a good job all things considered.
"This is what I put up with all the time." -- Stephanie, talking about Steve
PUBG player.
Steve's ex, Stephanie has been a guest on 1 episode.
Apex Live 012 - Chipped Beef is Never a Good Story
June 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 49 mins
In the hot mic pre-show, a new slang term is announced that is not yet listed on Urban Dictionary but will be soon, Steve breaks out more old English for no reason, and the word "merkin" is mentioned for the first time ever as Steve continues his burgeoning second career as a Foley artist. The show begins with a discussion of eating crickets, hating celebrities and athletes, and Steve wants a custom shirt. The presidential pardon of former world heavyweight champion Jack Johnson is covered. Steve's girl Stephanie chimes in on playing PUBG, we learn things about Steve's mom, and we address the ridiculous tweet from a Canadian woman who thinks Father's Day should be banned.
In the second half of the program, we learn about how Steve and Stephanie met, hear two words put together that have likely never before been used as a term, and offer another friendly disclaimer about the importance of phrasing. Several different Steves appear, including his aliases Juan Margarita and Bret Stevenson, and we review feedback from a listener overseas before discussing a guest or two that we would enjoy putting On the Spot soon. Finally, we postulate that a famous sportscaster is still out there biting hookers and try to close the show on a positive note.
Tune in for our most relaxed episode yet!